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SmartCrawl WordPress SEO checker, SEO analyzer, SEO optimizer

SEOPress is a powerful WordPress plugin designed to optimize your website’s on-site SEO. It features content analysis, XML and HTML sitemaps, schema markup, Google Analytics integration, and social media optimization. With tools for local SEO, WooCommerce support, and advanced redirects, SEOPress simplifies the SEO process for users of all levels. Regular updates, a user-friendly interface, and affordable pricing make SEOPress an ideal solution for improving your website’s search engine rankings and driving more traffic.

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SEO Ultimate is a comprehensive WordPress plugin designed to enhance a website’s search engine optimization (SEO) capabilities. It offers a suite of tools to help website owners and administrators optimize their content for better visibility on search engines, improve their site’s ranking, and increase organic traffic.


  1. Title Tag Rewriter: Allows you to customize the title tags of your posts, pages, and custom post types to improve click-through rates and keyword targeting.
  2. Meta Description Editor: Enables you to craft custom meta descriptions for your content, which can enhance snippet appearance in search results and improve click-through rates.
  3. Open Graph Integrator: Integrates Open Graph meta tags into your content, optimizing it for social media sharing and enhancing the way it appears on platforms like Facebook.
  4. Rich Snippet Creator: Supports the addition of rich snippets (structured data) to your content, helping search engines understand your content better and potentially leading to enhanced search result listings.
  5. Link Mask Generator: Helps create and manage cloaked affiliate links, making them more user-friendly and SEO-friendly.
  6. Canonicalizer: Automatically generates canonical URLs to prevent duplicate content issues and ensure that search engines index the preferred version of your pages.
  7. 404 Monitor: Tracks 404 errors on your site and provides insights to fix broken links, improving user experience and maintaining SEO integrity.
  8. Permalink Tweaker: Allows you to customize and optimize your URL structures for better search engine readability and user experience.
  9. Slug Optimizer: Optimizes the slugs of your posts and pages, making them more SEO-friendly by removing stop words and unnecessary characters.
  10. Code Inserter: Provides an easy way to insert custom code into your site’s header, footer, or other specific locations for advanced SEO customizations.
  11. File Editor: Enables you to edit your robots.txt and .htaccess files directly from the WordPress dashboard for better control over search engine crawling and indexing.
  12. Author Highlighter: Adds authorship markup to your content, helping to establish credibility and potentially enhancing the appearance of search results.


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