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Category: Analytics

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  • “Analytics Insights – Google Analytics Dashboard for WordPress” plugin integrates seamlessly with Google Analytics, providing WordPress website owners with real-time reports and customizable dashboard widgets to monitor key metrics directly within their WordPress admin area. With advanced analytics features like event tracking, goal tracking, and e-commerce tracking, users can gain valuable insights into website performance and user behavior to optimize their online presence effectively.



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    “Analytics Insights – Google Analytics Dashboard for WordPress” plugin integrates seamlessly with Google Analytics, providing WordPress website owners with real-time reports and customizable dashboard widgets to monitor key metrics directly within their WordPress admin area. With advanced analytics features like event tracking, goal tracking, and e-commerce tracking, users can gain valuable insights into website performance and user behavior to optimize their online presence effectively.



    Only registered users can download this free product. REGISTER NOW  or SIGN IN if already registered.

  • “Clicky by Yoast is a comprehensive web analytics plugin for WordPress that integrates with Clicky Analytics, providing real-time data and in-depth insights directly within the WordPress dashboard to help optimize your website’s performance.”







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    “Clicky by Yoast is a comprehensive web analytics plugin for WordPress that integrates with Clicky Analytics, providing real-time data and in-depth insights directly within the WordPress dashboard to help optimize your website’s performance.”







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  • “Formerly known as GADWP, ExactMetrics is a leading Google Analytics plugin for WordPress. It simplifies website tracking and provides insightful analytics directly within the WordPress dashboard, helping users make data-driven decisions effortlessly.”




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    “Formerly known as GADWP, ExactMetrics is a leading Google Analytics plugin for WordPress. It simplifies website tracking and provides insightful analytics directly within the WordPress dashboard, helping users make data-driven decisions effortlessly.”




    Only registered users can download this free product. REGISTER NOW  or SIGN IN if already registered.

  • Matomo Analytics is trusted by millions of websites for its ethical approach to data privacy and robust analytical features. Whether you’re a small business, blogger, or large enterprise, Matomo Analytics offers the tools you need to understand your audience, optimize your website, and make informed decisions based on reliable data—all while ensuring the highest standards of user privacy.”








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    Matomo Analytics is trusted by millions of websites for its ethical approach to data privacy and robust analytical features. Whether you’re a small business, blogger, or large enterprise, Matomo Analytics offers the tools you need to understand your audience, optimize your website, and make informed decisions based on reliable data—all while ensuring the highest standards of user privacy.”








    Only registered users can download this free product. REGISTER NOW  or SIGN IN if already registered.

  • “MonsterInsights is a powerful Google Analytics plugin for WordPress, allowing users to easily connect their website to Google Analytics without any coding. With its user-friendly interface and intuitive features, MonsterInsights provides valuable insights into website performance right from the WordPress dashboard.”


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    “MonsterInsights is a powerful Google Analytics plugin for WordPress, allowing users to easily connect their website to Google Analytics without any coding. With its user-friendly interface and intuitive features, MonsterInsights provides valuable insights into website performance right from the WordPress dashboard.”


    Only registered users can download this free product. REGISTER NOW  or SIGN IN if already registered.

  • “Slimstat Analytics is a comprehensive WordPress plugin that provides real-time analytics directly within your WordPress dashboard. With its intuitive interface and powerful features, Slimstat Analytics helps you track website traffic, user behavior, and more to optimize your online presence.”






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    “Slimstat Analytics is a comprehensive WordPress plugin that provides real-time analytics directly within your WordPress dashboard. With its intuitive interface and powerful features, Slimstat Analytics helps you track website traffic, user behavior, and more to optimize your online presence.”






    Only registered users can download this free product. REGISTER NOW  or SIGN IN if already registered.

  • “WP Statistics is a popular privacy-friendly analytics plugin for WordPress. It provides comprehensive insights into website traffic and user behavior directly within the WordPress dashboard, ensuring user data privacy and compliance with GDPR.”








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    “WP Statistics is a popular privacy-friendly analytics plugin for WordPress. It provides comprehensive insights into website traffic and user behavior directly within the WordPress dashboard, ensuring user data privacy and compliance with GDPR.”








    Only registered users can download this free product. REGISTER NOW  or SIGN IN if already registered.


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